  Serving Families of the Valley
Mission Central Children’s Clothes Closet Equipment for Caring


  Serving Families of the Valley

Mission Central
Children’s Clothes Closet
Equipment for Caring

Mission Central

Serving The Families
of the Valley

Ministries Include:

Children’s Clothes ClosetEquipment for Caring
1704 Smithland Road
Harrisonburg, VA
8335 North Valley Pike
Harrisonburg, VA
Children’s Clothes Closet
1704 Smithland Road
Harrisonburg, VA

Equipment for Caring
8335 North Valley Pike
Harrisonburg, VA

Mission Central is a faith-based ministry sponsored by the Shenandoah Valley District United Methodist Church (UMC). The Children’s Clothes Closet provides children’s clothing and baby supplies, free of charge, to needy families from all walks of life in the community. “Equipment for Caring” loans medical equipment to anyone in our community who has a need. Both programs are volunteer-run and rely on the generous support of churches, individuals, and businesses to sustain their mission.